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Special concert MUSIK AM 13. – Concert at the hour of Jesus’s death
Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel 1690–1749
Der für die Sünde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus (Brockes Passion 1725)
Inma Férez, Joowon Chung, soprano
Alexander Schneider, alto
Lars Tappert, tenor
Frederic Mörth, bass
Jörg-Hannes Hahn, conductor
Introduction 2.15pm: Dr. Ute Harbusch
Tickets at €20-44 (reductions of -50% for Cat. II-IV) via +49 (0)711/2 555 555 and at the box office
About the programme
Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel is rising as a newly-discovered star in the baroque musical heaven. A contemporary of Bach, who held him in high esteem, he was director of Frederick II’s court ensemble at Gotha. His rich output has largely disappeared – only a few works survive by chance, including his Passion setting by the much-loved baroque poet Barthold Heinrich Brockes. Exactly 300 years after its composition, the previous rediscovery of his Brockes Passion captivates through its vivid drama, strong lamentation and soulful comfort.
Special concert MUSIK AM 13. – Maria and Magdalena
Antonio Caldara 1670–1736
Maddalena ai piedi di Cristo
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini 1710–91
Il pianto di Maria
Antonio Vivaldi 1678–1741
Concerto in C minor RV 153
Roberta Mameli, soprano
Introduction 7.15pm: Anna Skorupska
Tickets at €20-30 (reductions of -50% for Cat. II-IV) via www.bachchor.com and at the box office
About the programme
Two women stand at the foot of the cross: the “sinner” Mary Magdalene, torn between her fear of damnation and her hope of redemption, and Jesus’s mother Mary, who rebels against God’s counsel because she has to see her son die. Two highly dramatic scenes from the Italian baroque by Antonio Caldara and Giovanni Battista Ferrandini, performed by the entirely female baroque ensemble Giardino di Delizie from Rome and Italian soprano Roberta Mameli.
MUSIK AM 13. special concert – Messiah
George Frideric Handel 1685-1759
Messiah HWV 56
Johanna Pommranz, soprano
Wiebke Wighardt, alto
Lars Tappert, tenor
Hans Porten, bass
Guest conductor: Kristina Pfeffer
Tickets at €20-30 (reductions of -50% for Cat. II-IV) via +49 (0)711/2 555 555 and at the box office
About the programme
Handel’s best-known oratorio “Messiah” tells the story of Jesus’s salvation, from the prophecies of the Old Testament to the birth, the Passion and the resurrection of the Saviour to his hoped-for return on the Day of Judgement. The Romantic Friedrich Schleiermacher enthused: “As Jesus was received by the choir of angels, so we accompany him with music and song to the great Halleluja of the ascension; for me, music such as Handel’s ‘Messiah’ is, as it were, a shortened promulgation of the whole of Christianity.”